Step-by-Step Psi-Feeding


When I first started researching methods of psi-feeding in order to better meet my needs as a psi-vampire, I was overwhelmed by the processes described in available texts and online tutorials. Most seemed to assume that I was familiar with core vocabulary that was totally new to me at the time and many left out major steps that “went without saying” but that I had no clue I was supposed to be including each time I fed. Especially when dealing with a hungry audience, I find it’s best to explain things simply and directly, leaving nothing assumed.

Whether you’re just flexing your psi-feeding muscles for the first time or you’re an experienced psi-feeder interested in passing on what you’ve learned, breaking down the basic steps of general psi-feeding can save you a lot of time and frustration.

In my experience, most methods of psi-feeding that involve specific donors (as opposed to ambient or elemental feeding) break down to a few easy steps, each requiring their own set of skills which can be honed independently, practiced together, and applied to an endless array of feeding methods.

  • Select a donor. One donor doesn’t necessarily fit all psi-vampires and vice versa. Finding a donor you can comfortably communicate with and whose needs complement your own is well worth the time, as the remaining steps are all significantly eased when donor and vampire work well together.
  • Make Contact. This can manifest as eye contact, placing your hand or mouth over one of your donor’s pressure points, or calling on your donor psychically. Any means of establishing a sense of connection should work. Keep in mind that the most effective way of making contact for one psi-vampire may not work at all for another, and the best way to make contact with one donor may make another donor uncomfortable, so feel free to experiment and find what works best for you and your donor.
  • Synchronize. Quiet yourself, use the connection you’ve made with your donor to sense the patterns of their breath, heartbeat, etc., and allow those patterns and your own to even out until your sense of the border between yourself and your donor blurs. The way you visualize synchronization may vary greatly from someone else’s. Some, for example, imagine the energy of a donor as light and strive to match the frequency or color of their light with that of their donor while others find it’s more effective for them to focus on the rhythm of their donor’s breathing. Again, the key here is to find what works best for you.
  • Draw. At this point, energy will likely be trickling in on its own since your donor has more energy than you do, but you can increase the rate of that flow by various means. You might visualize the flow of energy as gradually brightening light that you breathe in, for example, allowing you to draw it in more quickly by breathing in more deeply.
  • Cycle/Integrate. Once you feel your donor’s energy inside of you, you’ll want to make it your own. Let it flow through you and take notice of how it feels, changing its character as need be. You may also need to direct it to certain parts of you that you visualize as the center of your need or areas that currently need more attention (an aching limb, for example). Redirecting the flow of energy within yourself requires that you focus your attention on the area you’d like the energy to go. This is a step that can be practiced on your own outside of a feeding session by quietly concentrating on one part of yourself at a time until you’re satisfied by your sense of each part that interests you.
  • Disconnect. You’ll want to avoid draining too much from your donor or leaving the connection wide open so that you accidentally draw more without warning, so closing off the exchange session is important. Just as you made contact initially, end that contact. Gently pull your hand or mouth away, slowly extract your tendrils, etc.
  • Provide Donor Aftercare. Engaging in an exchange like this makes donors intensely vulnerable so take time to thank them, reassure them that you saw them deeply and you valued what you saw. Do not make promises. The time for negotiating follow-up exchanges and other forms of intimacy was before you fed. While you’re high on your donor’s energy and your donor is extremely vulnerable you may feel compelled to make bold declarations about loving and protecting them forever, but if those aren’t sentiments you’ve ever had for them while not in the midst of afterglow, keep them to yourself until you’re sure you’re actually prepared to follow through.

Exploration of each of these steps could easily fill a library and I encourage you to further research them all; more importantly, though, I recommend practicing every step and every method that attracts your interest and that is safe for you and your donor. I have yet to meet a book that can tell me as much about myself and what works for me as a few hours of dedicated experimentation.

2 comments on “Step-by-Step Psi-Feeding

  1. […] wrote some new articles this month: Psi feeding guide, Insight Epiphany, Meontological 1 and […]


  2. Thank you for this!!


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